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The BOCC Process

What is the BOCC Process?

BOCC solutions reduce electricity usage by at least 20%, decreasing individual municipality carbon footprints and the corresponding carbon emissions from electricity producers. The BOCC system is
non-disruptive and offers optimal performance with virtually no capital costs or operational interference.

The Benefits: Clean Water + Energy Savings For Your Community Your facility can save over 20% of overall electrical usage, contributing to a greener community. Become an energy savings leader:

  • Realize tangible greenhouse gas emission reductions
  • Contribute to a reduced carbon footprint
  • Achieve positive ROI through electricity cost reduction and longer blower life

Municipal funds once used for electricity can be redeployed for other civic initiatives.

See BOCC in action

The BOCC process is engineered to combine our innovative proprietary mechanical applicators with our patented catalysts.

Our Process:

  • creates micro-bubbles for sustained dissolved oxygen levels
  • encourages rapid activation of facultative bacteria
  • enables accelerated breakdown of organic material
  • uses less electricity in achieving DO levels for effective nitrification

Get the benefits of incremental efficiency improvements, without the increased burden of reliability centered maintenance.

  BOCC Process  

How it Works

How it Works BOCC's process works synergistically to enhance the processes of oxygenation/ gasification through micro bubble formation, rapid solubilisation of greases and bio-films and enhanced ionic amorphilic interactions to make nutrients more available to indigenous facultative bacteria. The oxygen uptake rate (OUR) is significantly increased as favourable conditions are created to enhance the respiratory activity of microorganisms. The favourable conditions are created by:

    1. BOCC's proprietary product being introduced into the aeration tanks and supported by micro-bubbles, the product forms amphiphilic molecules that attach to components such as - bacteria, organics, oxygen, and other decaying organic matter in the aeration tank.
    2. These components then self-organizing into a loose aggregate, creating an ideal situation for biological, physical and chemical reactions to rapidly occur by enhancing the speed of biological COD degradation and respiratory activities of the micro-organisms.
    3. Both ionic and amorphic interactions being enhanced, accelerating the chemical oxidization of inorganic pollutants.
  Biological Activity